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Jewellery Repair


Jewellery Store and Goldsmith Repairs

Diamond jewellery is a prized possession. Even the smallest dent can make it unfit to wear. Mark Katzeff is a renowned diamond jewellery designer and offers the best jewellery repair services in Edmonton. Being an experienced and qualified goldsmith, you will receive information and expert advice on gold, silver, and platinum jewellery. Because diamonds are our specialty, ease your mind by bringing any diamond pieces to Mark for repairs.

Our on-site jewellery repair services include:

  • Chain soldering
  • Ring sizing
  • Stone tightening
  • Re-tipping
  • And many more repair services

All repairs are done on-site in our Edmonton jewellery store so that you can have your jewellery repaired in a secure and timely fashion. In addition to repairs, we offer jewellery polishing and cleaning services to ensure your pieces always look their best.

Mark Katzeff is well equipped to handle modern, vintage, and antique pieces. Mark has the knowledge and experience needed to handle delicate settings and intricate vintage jewellery without altering its original form. This expertise allows him to offer jewellery remodelling services for those who wish to create a new look from their old jewellery.

Looking for more information? Here are our resources that can help you select the perfect piece of jewellery that will inspire you and your loved ones.

About Mark's extensive experience and how he can truly help you with everything about diamonds. It's very important to know what makes a qualified goldsmith and letting an expert help you when selecting the right diamond. Let our expertise in diamond rings help you get the best possible combination that will truly enchant your loved ons, our jewellery store is ready to help!

We also offer an extensive collection of custom and stock rings:

Let Mark Katzeff help you find what you want that not only inspires you but meets your budget. Call for a free consultation today!

Call us! (780) 421-4367